
Take a look at the roadmap of EISEN expedition and imagine further!

2023 2Q

1. Launch DEX Aggregator (Completed)

DEX aggregator of EISEN Finance on the Cronos and the Evmos mainnet.

2023 3Q

1. DEX aggregator on EVM-compatible and EVM-incompatible chains

DEX aggregator operating on multiple chains, including ETH, BNB, Arbitrum, Base, Optimism, Polygon, AVAX, OKX Chain, Mantle, and Osmosis. This will enable traders to swap their assets existing on siloed chains using our single platform.

2. RFQ(Request for Quote) system (Completed)

What is the RFQ(Request for Quote) system?

  • The RFQ system enables traders to request a quote or price for a specific amount of crypto assets they want to sell.

  • Market makers respond to the request by providing a quote indicating the price they are willing to buy the assets.

  • If the trader agrees to the quote, the trade is executed.

  • Unlike swaps on a blockchain which inevitably incurs slippage due to the unpredictability of transaction order, the RFQ system incurs no slippage since it involves the transfer of assets at an agreed-upon price between two parties.

By implementing the RFQ system for small lot sizes, the Sherpa algorithm can leverage a broader range of options to find the best price for selling tokens. Note that no slippage was incurred as 1ETH was swapped through the RFQ system.

3. Price comparison with CEX (Completed)

By highlighting the price divergence between CeFi and DeFi, our DEX aggregator will enable traders to the Ce-DeFi arbitrage.

2023 4Q

1. Provide API service that can be integrated into other projects.

By providing the API Service which can be integrated into other products or chains, Eisen Finance expands the versatility of the Product it can offer.

2. Cross-chain swaps

Cross-chain DEX aggregator supporting swaps of assets across separate chains. This will allow traders to avoid the hassle of using cross-chain solutions such as bridges.

2024 1Q

1. Visualization of DEX aggregator with Limit Order Book Interface

To offer a seamless DeFi experience comparable to CeFi, traders can swap their assets on a limit order book interface.

2. Integration DEX Aggregator with Web2.0 & Web3 Games

Expanding partnerships with Web2.0 & Web3 games to create new trading opportunities.

Last updated